
Sadness, why sadness, 'cause you blind yourself to whom, you still have the eager, the eager comes from the faith,the faith comes from the hope, the hope comes from the illusion, illusions comes from the self-cheating, but why, but why, after such a long long time, everything should be calmed down. Time erases anything, all you're holding and keeping are just illusions, sometimes we call it memories, memories cause the feeling of pain, cause the feeling of sorrow...It's a damn circle, a circle that you forget and recall the same things over and over again...Waiting, waiting, there is always darkness before dawn, there is always sunrise after the darkness. The world doesn't trust anything but the real success, which can only the glamour comes from, doesn't it be the thing that woman always be attracted by? To have a wondeful life is such a skillful work, damn the hell it. You know, you know, you both were done, she'll have her own new life, which has no bussiness with you, a man who always look backward can only lead himself to sorrow and regret, daaaaaamn, you are "the man".
ahhhh...you're the man....these words reflect me the movie "the Lord of the Ring" I've just watched,
the Nazgul(戒灵) said to the princess who pretended to be a soldier: No man can kill me!!!
and the princess sticked the Nazgul with proud sound: I'm no man!!!...then really death the Nazgul, it's a humor or a metaphor? who knows, who knows, the only turth is that I got a new word "metaphor", life will be continuing, the sun rises as usual, people get closer then depart, people love each other then hate,  people laugh and cry with no emotions, and the people who was in happiness always wish all the people happy. ya, 幸福的人们总是希望所有的人都幸福。